There is such a stigma placed on mental health and motherhood that it makes it difficult for many suffering mothers to come forward and admit that they are having trouble. You may be one of them, secretly fading away under inner turmoil. Maybe you’ve even tried to seek out help but found yourself in an uncomfortable office across from a seemingly judgmental stranger. Despite one taking the steps necessary to be seated in front of a professional willing to help them, it is still very common for the person in need to withhold information and downplay their symptoms. Some people may not even think or be aware that they have a problem, and we are only there to appease a friend or relative. These patients will most likely continue chatting away in their weekly therapy sessions about superficial experiences and trivial encounters, lying not only to the medical professional whose time they’re wasting, but also to themselves.
Speaking to someone about personal matters that are embarrassing or shameful for us, can definitely be like pulling teeth. But having another human being to confide in and understand us, is ultimately necessary to help relieve the weight of our burdens. Unexpressed emotions can be detrimental to physical health as well. Harboring secrets or the truth about your feelings in fear of what others will think, will only drag you down deeper.
Mindful Minute:
- Are you harboring secrets about your wellness?
- Are you in denial about your wellness?
- Do you have a trustworthy person you confide in? Who?
- Are you in need of someone to speak to?
- What options have you tried in the past?
- Did they help?
- Why or why not?
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