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Showing posts from January, 2022

Naturally Normal

          Holistic health care can be extremely powerful… if you believe it is. The mind's ability to heal the human body has been tested and proven highly effective in many studies. The “Placebo effect”, has been proven in many studies over the years to show the human mind can manifest healing through sincere belief and “knowing” they are being healed.            The disconnect that comes with not being “normal” in some way or accepted as a social normalcy, are the triggers that lead us looking for answers in more unconventional places. Coming to believe that my soul is certainly from a different plane of existence than the one I am currently in, I think the nature of who we are individually is cosmically determined. I believe this to be so figuratively and literally. Mindful Minute: If you are currently on medication and it is working for you, are you interested in other natural approaches to physical and men...

Prescription Perfect

               For me, every day is a struggle to be a kind, wise, nurturing mother, and keep my emotional instability under control. I am always fighting off an outburst and trying to prevent myself from inflicting any emotional hurt to my children, while maintaining a healthy and safe environment for them. I do not currently see any practitioners for my mental health or take any medications. I have found my own spiritual practices and self-care routines that reflect my values and embody my beliefs. This has empowered me to use what society has deemed mental illness and disease, to learn I am on a journey of self-discovery, universal studies, and holistic wellness. I am certainly not a doctor or specialist of any kind, nor do I claim to be. Although, I have participated in my fair share of experiences and “treatments” with different therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists in all of whom I concluded to be ill-prepared for someon...

My Addiction Story

My recovery has been an ongoing process since I was 16 years old. I have been on and off again in my sobriety for 12 years. I was in denial about a lot of things in my life and couldn’t see what I was doing to my body, my family, and my mental well-being. In the later stages of my use, I walked around at an average weight of 83lbs. and my muscular structure was pretty much deteriorating off my bones. Regardless of blatantly knowing I was steadily killing myself; I was still getting up every day and walking a mile to the liquor store, drinking all day, eating nothing, and believing I was okay. I was also objectifying myself to multiple, undeserving sexual partners. Most of the time I had been too intoxicated to remember the encounters, or whether or not I had protected myself from these previously mentioned undesirables. I put not only myself at risk, but also my significant other with my infidelity and promiscuity. I was naïve to the danger I lived in and had lost all respe...

Dear Reader

I have shared my story amidst these pages in hopes that those who are lost spiritually, emotionally, and physically in darkness might value from some of the lessons I’ve learned the hard way. Seeing how I manage pull out of the struggle may help shine light on a path you may not see if you are lost or suffering from mental illness, addiction, depression, and all emotional and empathetic baggage. Many times, I've had to pull myself out of the gutter, figuratively and literally, just to push through the over-crowded road that is life, finding my true path, joy in living, and beauty in motherhood. My journey has been nowhere near pretty or even dignified, but it has been full of experiences and universal lessons that bring me here now wanting to share everything that has kept me going strong in life’s difficulties.  This book is a manual to finding your lost or broken self, making repairs to the pieces and being healthy, unique, and authentically confident. Introspective j...